Chercos is a small town located 79 km away from Almería. It’s in the easternmost part of the Sierra de los Filabres. The Parochial Church was constructed in 1505 under the invocation of Santa María. During the rebellion of the moriscos of 1568 it was practically reduced to ashes. Its last construction dates from the mid-nineteenth century. The festivities of San Lorenzo are celebrated on the second weekend of August. On holy Thursdays and Fridays there are traditional games or “bowling games” that bring together many fans of the region.
Originally, the town was located about three kilometers south up the hill. In the 1940s, the then mayor Antonio Sáez Sáez decided to move the town to its location today because it is a more convenient place to be and better communicated. The streets of Old Chercos were restored at the beginning of the 21st century. Several houses of the old town, as well as its church, continue being used by their owners during the festive times like Christmas to visit their relatives, weekends and summer.
As Mayor of Chercos it is an honor for me to welcome all those who decide to discover the wonders of our people through this website.
Visiting the municipality of Chercos is an experience steeped in centuries of history.
I would like this website to encourage everyone to enjoy and get to know our people, wishing them a pleasant stay that will surely make them repeat.
Chercos is a place-name of the Mozarabic word Yerku, which means “the oak”, according to Oliver Asín. Possibly because of the holm oak forest that existed in its surroundings. We have to differentiate between Old Chercos, old farmstead, and New Chercos, when moving the municipal offices to a more comfortable place called Las Huertas would give place to this settlement.
Between Chercos Viejo and Chercos Nuevo is “La Piedra Labrá” or “Piedra de los Moros” where the first human footprint is found in the history of Chercos. It is about rock engravings that represent scenes of everyday life and the place should have been used as an altar for outdoor worship. This engraving dates from the second millennium a. C.
During the period of Al-Andalus, it will be part of the State of Tahal. This area was occupied by Berber tribes. From this period the remains of a castle and a cistern are preserved.
With the conquest by the Catholic Monarchs in 1488, the State of Tahal would be ceded to Don Enrique Enríquez, family of the King Don Fernando, in 1490. Before the War of the Alpujarras in Chercos there were about 360 Moriscos. After the war with the expulsion of the Moors the place would be depopulated, although no data of its repopulation are known for having lost the book of Apeo and Population.
In 1835 the manors are abolished. Madoz tells us in the middle of the 18th century that Chercos is part of the judicial district of Purchena and its municipal area is divided into a series of cortijadas and its economy was based on agriculture.
At present, its main party is that of San Lorenzo and is typical the Game of the Bowling on Thursday and Good Friday.
Within the traditional cuisine of Chercos we can highlight: Migas, porridge, rabbit fry, fried roscos, fried milk, fritters.
Festivities of San Lorenzo
It is the most important festival in the town of Chercos. It is celebrated in honor of San Lorenzo, patron of the town, on August 10. These parties usually last three days. A mass and procession is celebrated in honor of the Saint, accompanied by the Choir of Chercos. There are many cherqueros who left the town for various reasons and who are returning to celebrate their holidays.
Various cultural and sports activities are carried out during the week prior to the festival, such as plays, dancing by the children of the town, typical games, dessert contest .. The last day of the festival a large paella is held in the square for All attendees preceded by the water war. In the bars of Chercos you can taste a great variety of typical tapas at the Feria del Mediodía.
Every night the music is the protagonist in the Plaza with the performance of an orchestra until the wee hours of the morning. To finish the party the Baile del Farolillo is performed. The parties of Chercos are very endearing and worthy of being enjoyed by those who come by this municipality.
- Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos (January 6).
- Bonfires of San Antón (January 17).
- Day of Andalusia (February 28).
- Day of the Cross (May 3).
- Festivities of the Virgin of Fatima (May 13).
- Festivities of San Lorenzo (August 10).
Neighborhoods of Chercos
- The Campillo.
- The Cubillas.
- Los Sorianos and La Fuente del Hierro.
- La Boquera del Secano.
- The Cercado.
- The pallets.
- The Soto.
- El Tablar, El Tomillar and El Cuarto.
- Performances of the Dance Group of Chercos.
- Realization of works of the Chercos Theater Group.
- Workshops held by women of the “New Yerku” Women’s Association.
- Rallye Valle del Almanzora-Filabres.
- Cultural trips for young and old.
- Reading, drawing and writing workshops.
- Active aging workshops.
- Workshops for young people (zumba, first aid …)
- Game of the Bowling (Holy Week).
Edible Carmen. Covirán supermarkets
Food, pastry, sausages ….
C / Los Molinas. Chercos
Telf. 950 122 528.
Commercial of Feed and Cereals “El Azul”
Building materials, plumbing and hardware. Realization of works in forge and metal carpentry.
Industrial Estate. Chercos
Telf. 610 996 174.
Pharmacy “María Teresa García Navarro”
Plaza de la Constitución, 2. Chercos.
Tel. 950 122 524.
Bazaar and Food “Maria José”
Gift items, cleaning, groceries ..
Commerce in C / Real, 13. Chercos.
Telf. 950 064 697 – 690 047 899.
Quarry “Cuesta de los Aleros, S.L”
Rustic stone. Chercos
Telf. 950 445 667 – 660 391 332 – 659 662 415.
Works and Constructions of Chercos, S. L.
Patricio Simón Sáez.
C / New Homes. Chercos Phone 950-122.579
What to do in Chercos?
If you are thinking of taking a different trip to discover beautiful places and charming towns that are not usually well known, a trip to Chercos is an excellent option. Our town has many options to make and we recommend the ones that are sure to be of your interest.
City Council of Chercos
Address: Plaza de la Libertad, 1, 04859 Chercos, Almería
Contact: 950 12 25 01