Departure from the Albox Fairgrounds, (towards the Taberno road), cross the bridge that crosses the Albox boulevard, continue straight, pass Poeta Juan Berbel street until it crosses the El Saliente-Chirivel road, take to the right , pass the Health Center and take the street that goes up to the left, reach the road to El Taberno, cross it and continue straight on towards La Hortichuela. A few meters to the right is the viewpoint of La Santa Cruz, with good views of Albox, return to the road and continue to the right. After 500 meters there is a dirt road to the right, take it and follow it, there are several farmhouses next to it, get to the Fuente de la Hortichuela, from here you have to take a path that goes through the orchards, take a path that borders the raft and go to a boulevard, you can see the cane fields that indicate it to us. When you get to the boulevard, take it to the right, follow it until you reach the paved road that goes from Albox to the Aljambra. Take to the left following the paved road until you reach Rambla Honda, here you can go up to the XV century Arab Tower, go back and take the boulevard that goes up again to the right, follow the boulevard until you reach the road paved, cross it and a few meters to the left there is a fountain with tables to rest, cool off or eat something. Go back to the road and take the paved road to the right towards Albox, follow it and reach Punto de Partida.