
Mesón Arboleas is a hostel located in Arboleas, Almería. Located in a privileged area of the east of Almeria.

It has eight double rooms and three single rooms equipped with all the necessary amenities to enjoy the place.


Discover the cuisine of our land with our delicious traditional dishes, prepared with the homemade recipe, that will make you enjoy the authentic flavor of the Almanzora Valley.

Meat and fish
Taste our meat and fish prepared and seasoned in the most traditional way. Exquisite dishes made with products of the highest quality from our region.

Wines and Cavas
There is nothing better than to accompany a good evening with the best wines of our land.

Get to know the excellence of Almeria wines.


Address & Contact

Our Address

Calle Venta Mateo. Arboleas (Almería)
