The population of Cantoria had 3,251 inhabitants in 2017. Its surface area is 79 km² and it is located at an altitude of 382 meters above sea level.
You have available all the information of this municipality in the bottom button.
Hi could you please advise when the electricity and water meters will be installed at the below address as we purchased the property over 8 weeks ago and for the past three weeks we have been staying in the property without electricity and water
Louise Grice con NIF Y9364083S, se solicita la licencia de ocupacion de la vivienda de su propiedad, localizada en Calle Lope de Vega, número 11 de Cantoria (Almería)
Hello, this website belongs to a private tourist information office, it does not belong to the Cantoria town hall.
To process your request, go to the town hall.
I would like to transfer my car tax now live in Almanzora.
George Miller
Hola George, para transferir impuestos tienes que pasar por el ayuntamiento de Cantoria.