Start: February 4, 2023
6:30 pm
End: February 4, 2023
9:00 pm

February 4, 2023. Night of the Full Moon and Comet | Planetarium and Sky Observation.

Ideal for families with children

Special event of the Full Moon, with some planets still, the Pleiades, the Orion Nebula and we will discover the constellations and the Winter sky. At the Planetarium we will take a trip to the Moon, where we will land to have a lunar aperitif. Then we will make a low-altitude tour over the moon until we reach the hidden face. Finally we will explore other stars and we will travel through the Milky Way Galaxy, Andromeda to reach the confines of the Known Universe.

Although the moon will remove a lot of darkness from the sky, we will still see the famous Comet that everyone talks about.

18:30 Planetarium Session, Trip to the Moon

19:30 Break for an aperitif (everyone brings their own)

19:45 Observation of Mars, Jupiter, Venus and the Moon with our powerful telescopes. Workshop on the lunar surface. Observation of the Pleiades and the Orion Nebula. constellation workshop-

21:00 End of activities

Fees & Tickets
20.00 €
10.00 €



The Planetarium of Serón is a ludo-didactic space for families, school children, groups and anyone interested in understanding more…